Excessive Me!!

Have u ever felt like u're totally washed up with ur own life??

June 5, 2010

Move On!!!

I think i should move on from this tedious scene of life,, come on, be brave!! leave the past and move on!!

Bim, you-should-move-on

May 29, 2010

OHH!! I miss my teen days!!

Yeap, that subject is just totally right,, ehemmm, well maybe i should start by telling u the reason why i'm writing it down,, it started when ~tulingtulingtuling *sound of bell chimes, like when someone starts to read a fairytale*~ i watched Pond's Teen Concert at Lapangan D Senayan, Jakarta (well, what would u expect? Brisbane??!! #lirikjingga). it was all "covered" with teens -perhaps between 15-22 y.o. (is 22 still counted as a teen?? *wink*) and they were just so NOISY.. okay, maybe i haven't figured out what's the feeling of being a teen. Remember that acceleration class stole my puberty?? LOL...

Yeap, they seemed so cheerful, so happy, so full of living-life-feelings!! Maybe i kinda forget bout that teenish *is that word even exist, ooh i see red underline, LOL*. I WANT TO BE LIKE THAT AGAIN!! ooops i should strike the word "again" so: I WANT TO BE LIKE THAT!!! Yes, be a person who can embrace life, who can fill his life with simple-yet-happy things, like hang out together with bestiez which is so hard to do nowadays, because most of them were busy cuz their new job (but still, i'm so proud of u guys).

Back to topic,, i went there with one of my bestiez who i knew from TALK-Inc. She said she want to accompany me to see the event, but as a matter of fact she brought her bf and yes they just got along together and i was left behind, boo-hoo (hahaha it's okay Mar,, just make sure ur bf would give me free invitation to see Bob Sinclar tomorrow!! hehehe). Then when i saw what surrounded me: kids with their peers, laughing at each other, sharing their stories, and doing something silly. At that time, suddenly i really2 miss my bestiez:

Bestiez from high school: Sizt Rance, Jiboen, Sonny, Ita, Menong, Mihong, Nunu, Icha

Bestiez from campus: Adieth, Riri, Gernyongky Nyanya, Dzhty, Dian Nceu, Sholipoo, Idha

Bestiez from life-oh-life: Tathan, Silo, Radja, Dilla, Deka, Jaka, Sanz, Mamskie, Mar-Qib, Fufu, Ovi, Bebek

I remember when i was still in Jogja, Me and my bestiez went to this Club 80's concert and we were having a blasting night together and i miss that moment a lot,, oh guys, wish u were here..

I imagined that today -in that concert- all of my bestiez were there, sing along song together, having a great night.. Well maybe someday we can arrange this, okay!!! Dude, i miss u guys sooooo badly...

Bim, true-friendship-never-dies

December 11, 2009

Under the Spotlight

Wiwwww last thursday, i was hosting one segment of big event @ F-Cone FX Plaza. Itu lhooooo acara TALK-inc Graduation 2009... Mangstabhh boook.. banyak bgt acr serunya.. Hihihihi. Waktu kmaren gw ditandem sama Jemima Tumewu (Becky Tumewu's niece) n seru abis. Kita ngebawain segmen pas Sirkus Perkusi Cisadane. Waw mangstabh booookkkkk.. Hahaaha

Bim, always-love-the-spotlight

October 31, 2009

GOSH!! It's still October...

damn,, it's still on October but my pocket is running low.. Gilaaaa br gajian dah abis aja. Gw jg bingung tuw duit pd kmana?? Perasaan ga gw pake beli barang.. humm.. Oke emang agak ngefek sih sejak gw pindah kozt (which started like 4 days ago), napsu makan gw emang agak ga kekontrol. Maklum byk bgt yg jual mkanan d sekitar kozt2an gw.. kmaren gw makan Joni Steak w/ one of my bestiez.. Ngobrol ngalor ngidul sambil ditemani seonggok daging *jyaaaah malah ngeri...*, qta bdua spending our quality time.. Gyahahahaha. pdhl si temen gw itu ud ditungguin ma 'abang'nya tp tetep aja lho masih gw bajak.. Hahhaa., maklum kan kasian bgt tuw gw menjomblo sendiri di fri-nite... Eyyy tp sat-nite ini gw ngapain y?? Yaaah masa menjomblo-ceria-sendiri-di-rumah?? Arggghh tidaaaaaakk...

Oke back to the topic.. Yap salah satu kelemahan gw adalah mengatur cashflow dan budgeting my monetary condition.. Biar dpt duit segimana byk pun tetep aja ludes des deeeesss.. heran d gw, apa ini smacam kutukan?? Ada yg taw mungkin how to break the spell???

Bim, sambil-mengorek-ngorek-dompet...

October 24, 2009

Luv Beyonce: She's a True Diva!!

weewww,, just have watched beyonce's single ladies for a zillion times, gila tuw cewe2 yg nari di situ bener2 hiperaktif.. hahaha.. i even couldn't dance that well even for 1 minute..

trus di satu blog beztie gw (jing9a), ada video justin timberlake yg ikutan nari single ladies jd back-dancer nya.. huahahaha that is totally hilarious,, and no one can beat Justin doing those moves.. ga kek joe jonas yg ikut2an nari single ladies, hoeeeek,, ga banget d gayanya,, cong abissss,, hahhahahahaa

Bim, belajar-nari-kek-single-ladies-nya-beyonce

October 22, 2009

Ibu2 gila...

Baru sebel ne gw ma ibu2 gila yg td makan nasi rawon+rujak cingur+jus alpukat+telor asin 2 biji+nasi-tambah-stengah-lg-y-mb-ga-pake-lama (as far as i've seen sih itu doank) yg makan b2 ma anaknya. kebetean gw dimulai pas tanpa babibu tiba2 dy ngambil kursi di samping gw (yg tadinya mau gw taroh tas). Padahal gw ud mengisyaratkan secara ga langsung gerakan gw-mau-taroh-tas-di-kursi-samping-gw, eh taw2nya langsung diembat tuw kursi sama si bugil (ibu gila,, hihihihi).

Kebetean kedua dimulai pas dy mule makan. Taw ga sih loooo: dy makannya NGECAP... Arghh and it was sooooo annoying,, i mean come on u already on 40 sumthin, and already has a daughter,,,

Yg ketiga, the part ketika dy nunggu makanannya, omigod dy ngomel2 lho,, ke waiternya lah, ke anaknya lah, even ke dirinya sendiri (awas aja mpe ngomel2 ke gw... Gw gampar tuw bibir..hahaha). Dy ngomel2 gara2 makanannya blom jd. Haloooooo lw mesennya banyak jg kaleeeee...

Ih pokoknya si bugil itu sangat2 memancarkan aura2 negatifnya ke gw. jd makin bete aja gw.. Hiaaaahhh.. i felt sorry for her daughter to hv a mom like that,, yah smoga lw ga jd kek emak lw y...

Bim, amit-amit-jangan-sampe-jd-si-bugil

October 20, 2009

Many things to do, so little time

Weww luar biasa bener hr ini,, entah kenapa ud dikasih Tuhan waktu 24 jm sehari tuw rasanya msh kurang jg... Heran sih. Kek td aja d kantor, perasaan ud coba gw kerjain smua tp tetep ga kelar2 tuw kerjaan.

Hari ini sih msh mending bgt gw bs balik jm 6-an. Yg parah tuw minggu kmaren, gw br pulang jm 10, jm 11 mlm gr2 ngejar bbagai mcm pendingan kerjaan,,, awaawawa i should take a break for a while *ada g yg muw ngajakin gw jln2 ke thailand. Gw ikut dunx.. Really2 need a getaway..

Back to business,, i dunno why, but it seems the job has a never ending story.. Hahaha... lebay bgt tuw.. Tp bener sih, kekna muw dikerjain kek apa jg tetep aja ga kelar2. Apa ni gara2 my bad-time-management? Perasaan gw dah nentuin prioritas sgala macem tp tetep aja ga slese. Apa emang overload pekerjaan y.. Sumtimez i just wanna shout out loud: "I just can't take this anymore!!".. Tp muw gmana lg? Masa gw ga makan sbulan..

Btw, barusan aja ini -yeap u might hard to believe it..- masih aja ada nasabah telp gw,, Halooooooo,, jam kerja gw cm 8 jm jg kaleeee..

Bim, feeling-so-exhausted